Numerous R&D activities have been carried out over the years. The activities have led to the creation of a wealth of experience. Often these activities have involved the design and construction of dedicated test benches for conducting experimental test campaigns at the company or at the customer's premises. We would like to thank our customers for sharing these success stories with us.
Test bench for isothermal cellsThe test bench is designed and built to Benaglio Brothers for the purpose of simulating the static and dynamic loading conditions acting on an isothermal cell in motion on a road. The test stand allows testing of cells of mass up to 4.5 tons by applying, in multiple directions, accelerations of up to 1 g at a frequency of 5 Hz.
Test bench RACER-LGBThe test bench is designed to Avio Aero. The testbed enables the testing of the Lateral Gear Box (LGB) of the AIRBUS RACER helicopter. The test stand is a mechanical recirculating power type with a circulating power of about 2 MW and a maximum speed of 3,500 rpm (LGB input). The testbed is currently being assembled at Avio Aero's Sangone laboratory.
CVT test benchThe test bench was designed and built for Piaggio & C . for the purpose of measuring the performance of Continuous Speed Variators (CVTs) for speeds up to 100 km/h. The test stand allows replication of speed and torque conditions at the wheel axle and air conditioning (heating and cooling) around the belt up to 100 °C.
PowerPack30 test benchThe test bench was designed and built for SAMP Gears for the purpose of validating the operation of extruder gear motors and scuffing resistance . The test bench has an electric recirculating power type architecture with closed-loop on a direct current bus (DC BUS) with a circulating power of 400 kW.
Bearing comparisonThe activity was carried out for Continuus Properzi in order to experimentally compare several types of tapered roller bearings. A specially designed and built test stand allowed endurance tests to be conducted. Dimensional measurements and metallographic examinations were also conducted.
Wind turbine coupling certificationThe activity was carried out for MAINA in order to perform functional testing and experimental characterization of a flap joint, with fiberglass spacer, for use in the wind power industry. A specially designed and fabricated test stand allowed static and fatigue strength tests to be conducted.
SAGE 2 gearbox transport boxThe activity, carried out for Avio Aero involved the design, procurement and assembly of a special transport box for damped aeronautical gearboxes containing in addition a preload system for gears and bearings. The transport box makes it possible to limit possible damage to bearings and gears.